Category Archives: Nail Polish

Trick or Treat turned Sweet

I was never really a fan of Halloween and Trick or Treating because I think there is no reason to celebrate the holiday. I’ve long forgotten our traditions of going to the cemetery since we stopped going to the province during Novembers. In the Philippines, November is the time to celebrate All Saints Day and All Soul Day. Halloween is too foreign and Trick or Treating for kids is not as popular. The latter is a practice that’s beginning to become more popular each year.

As a Christian, I don’t like the idea of everything spooky, ghosts, skeleton, etc. I decided long before my son was born that we wouldn’t let him join such activities until this year. Honestly, I had second thoughts whether to join the “Trick or Treat” at my son’s playschool. But then I thought it’s only for fun. His teacher said it will be a fun affair, no spooky stuff, and scaring the children. The students won’t be going around the building, instead, booths will be setup at a function room.

What made me more excited about the event was the fact that the Toddlers Class where Noah belongs was doing a Beauty Salon booth. It was suggested by David’s Salon’s very own top stylist Laura Charlton (David’s daughter). I got too excited so I suggested a French-Parisian Chic theme with pink and black as the main colors.  During my first unofficial Parent-Teachers Conference, the toddlers’ parents decided what things we’d bring. Since we were all busy with work and home, we had to communicate through SMS. There were only four of us communicating so it was easy.

The excited mommy in me volunteered to bring my nail polish collection, bring hair accessories for the little girls, treats, and do the decor. Each one of us would bring treats and whatever stuff we could donate to the class. Needless to say, the busy moms had to do with whatever resources and little time we had.

I was excited! The Parisian Chic Theme was my chance to unleash my kikay decorating powers. I have a son so decorating and doing girly stuff with kids involved is very much limited. This was my chance I thought. The other mothers thought so too because they also had little boys. Hihi.

I started researching on the Internet as soon as I got home but only got to do the shopping and the decors the night before. I enjoyed every second of it even if I had little sleep. I bought black and pink paper from the bookstore, hair accessories, small cheap gifts for the kids, and other pink and girly stuff for decor. I was on a budget so I went to a Divisoria-like mall in our area. I scored small gifts (mirrors, pens, notebooks, toys, etc.) for P10 each. I bought a lot but I thought the extra items could be used for Noah’s upcoming birthday party. I wasn’t able to buy candies as treats because I was in a hurry, had no time to pass by the grocery.

Pinterest helped me a lot. It’s such a godsend I tell you. Sure, there’s Google Image Search but searching for stuff in Pinterest yields more relevant results and images.

I made this pink and black Happy Halloween bunting. I saw a pack of black cut-out letters, cut the triangle buntings, and attached them to a used kraft paper thread:

Happy Halloween Bunting | I find this ironic? How can Halloween be happy? 😀
Bon Appetit!
Eiffel Tower Silhoutte Art Print

Our HP Printer was running out of black ink but good thing I was able to print all these. I used white, black, and pink paper:

French Chic Party Decor

Since we had the stylists of David Salon coming over, I thought of copying David’s Salon logo. I knew Laura wouldn’t mind since it was for our kids’ class:

The party favors, I wrapped each pne and printed cute party favor tags:

Parisian Chic Party Favor Packaging

I even bought a few bottles of nail polish for the nannies and the moms:

Nail Polish Party Favor for Girls

I brought these stuff to Noah’s school during lunch time because I knew I would be late later. When I arrived at the party venue, the Toddlers Class booth was all spruced up! I loved it! Kudos to the other moms and lolas too.

I bought my French vintage luggages, small Ikea lamp, and a few other framed art prints. I borrowed an Eiffel Tower display from a friend. It’s more special because it was fresh from Europe! I also downloaded French-related music to play at the booth: Amelie Soundtrack, Club Soda Vol. 4, Qui de noud Deux, Ratatouille Soundtrack, and So Young But So Cold Underground French Music.

Obviously, I went overboard again! What’s funny was that Noah wasn’t officially enrolled at the school but his mommy supported the event. I got too excited that I slept only an hour. I relied on the power of coffee the day after. My husband didn’t say anything because he already knows me when it comes to parties, decors, and stuff.

What’s ironic, I forgot all about Noah’s costume! Haha! I planned on making him a LEGO Minifig Costume because he is in a Lego phase but mommy was too busy with the girly stuff. I just had him don his Batman costume.

Batman Halloween Costume for Kids

My son loved his Batman costume until he saw the other kids wearing Iron Man, Captain America, and Call of Duty. He still had no concept of trick or treating or the candy collecting part. He was running around the whole night–like a tornado.  I think between the two of us, I had more fun. I enjoyed the preparation and I gained new friends too. This Trick or Treat was our very first.

What I loved most about that night was I remembered how my parents –my mom and dad– supported me all throughout school. I remembered my childhood that night. I thought about how my daddy would help me with my projects especially those with drawing and art required. He would drive me to school every single day too. I remembered how my mom would support our school activities, cooking for me and my friends (sometimes the whole class), and going up the stage with me to receive my medals at the end of the school year.  The two of them were always present.

I think my excitement in volunteering for this school activity stemmed from the fact that my parents were there for me…for me and my siblings. My classmates and teachers knew my parents so well because they were visible. That night, I was thankful to God because I grew up having very supportive parents–the two of them. I hope and pray that Joshua and I would that supportive to Noah. We want to be involved in his school activities someday.

The night wasn’t just about Halloween anymore, it was me remembering my childhood and my parents. Maybe next year, Noah would be able to understand the concept and enjoy his time more. Never mind the ghosts, monsters, and all the gore. 🙂

“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.” Exodus 20:12