To give God the glory He deserves is not exactly a walk in the park. It entails a lot of discipline. Knowledge alone does not make it easy for one to say and even show that he is doing what she is supposed to do best.
Take for example praying. Seems like an easy thing to do but not all, not even Christians spend most of their time and effort into doing this one thing Jesus best modeled in His heydays.
I was once again reminded that praying is not just a need. It’s not something I should do when I need something or when I need answers from God. That it is something you do out of your love…as an expression of your worship and desire to be closer to the Father.
Praying also is not something you should do in your spare time. You do it to start the day and before you sleep. Not just that, but always. We may become so caught up with the busy-ness of the world but think if all those things are really worth doing. A minute of prayer…as compared to hours of sitting in front of the PC, going to the gym, developing your talents, etc…is nothing compared to what God can possibly bless us with.
Many people ask why the Father seems to have forsaken them sometimes. That life is unfair. Or why their prayers are unanswered. But why…we don’t spend much time and focus in prayer.
To worship God is to live a life worthy to be called His. To pray is to give. You don’t just do it to ask…but to give your all.
In living for God…remember…it’s ALL or NOTHING.
*Unearthed this from my old journal.