
I don’t remember ever posting about what happened to me over a Christmas holiday break but there’s always a first time. I know I have a tendency to write a long post but I’m trying to preserve memories here.

It was a quick 2-week break for all of three of us. No work and no school. I wasn’t in the mood for all the Christmas hoopla because I was still stressed with our moving. It was only when I finally brought out the decors and shopped for Christmas gifts that I felt it’s really Christmas. Shopping certainly has its benefits, eh? LOL.

I brought out the old Christmas decors only on the 16th of December. No, I wasn’t following the Simbang Gabi sked but it was only then that I had the energy to tackle last year’s mess. It took  me one night to put some Christmas touch in our new home. Not much. We still have no big Christmas tree. Just this old tree previously owned by my husband’s lola. We’ve had it since Noah was a year old. I’m sentimental like that. It’s more special this year because Noah decorated the tree himself.  It still sits on top of the bar counter.

Maybe this year, I’ll buy a taller tree. It needs major planning because I’ll have to buy new decors and accessories.

December started with the three of us attending a birthday party. The party set me in the mood alright because I had to shop for gifts. Browsing through the stores certainly got me excited–thanks to the Christmas decors and songs being played.

Noah’s only photo with birthday girl Adi
Went to a Nautical party
Date with my best friend Antonette at Mesa, Power Plant Mall

Christmas Party at Noah’s School. The Green Team/Padla Family won as the Overall Champion. Hihi.
Noah’s First School Performance
Performed for the first time as a family. This was so special to me.
Not his.
Joined our church’s Young Adult group Christmas outing at Tiaong, Quezon


Hosted our church’s Christmas Party


Feeling Christmas or Christmas feeling?
Lamp still not working
Christmas potpourri as centerpiece
One of my favorite things to do: wrapping presents
No theme for this year. I just bought whatever I found pretty.
I still can’t get over these loot bags from National Bookstore…
Pacute presents
Hosted our first major house party with cousins and friends
Cousin Love with Izzy and Matteo
Met up with my high school friends Ny and Mish (who came home from the US)
…and went shopping until 12 midnight! (Mommy porma na anubeh)
Christmas brunch on the 24th…
…and then we went swimming. He was sad here because he saw the other kids leaving the pool.
Spent Christmas eve with this cutie and the rest of my relatives
On Christmas day, we went to my in-laws. Noah opened lots of gifts!
and more!
Tried Smoke Out Ribs, resto just across our condo, on the 27th…
Went to Capitol Commons for the first time…
…Kiddie Partying with the boys (13Needles) on the 28th…
Yet another Jollibee Kiddie Party… Happy Birthday Talia!
Hosted our SEO Girls/International Marketing annual reunion with their husbands and babies


Opened a daycare
Finally got to meet Chasing Dream‘s Dawn and Rain
…and Romzkeepomski‘s Summer! Yep, that day it was all about Dawn, Rain, and Summer!


Spent New Year’s Eve with Josh’s relatives. No photos because phone’s batt died. Huhu.
More food on the first day of the year!

Notice that we didn’t do anything grand. We didn’t even get to see the light show at the Ayala Triangle. (Second year in a row we missed it.) We planned on traveling to celebrate the boys’ birthdays but we decided to postpone it because of our BIG MOVE. We spent a lot of time sleeping in (oh how i missed waking up late!) and just chilling at home. That may be boring for some because we’re always at home being Work-At-Home-Parents but we wanted to enjoy our new place.

I didn’t dare open the rest of the boxes unopened. I didn’t fix the house. I didn’t declutter. I just wanted to rest and enjoy the holiday with my boys without having to think about anything. It was PURE JOY, PURE QUALITY TIME.

The only thing I regret is that we don’t have a proper photo of the three of us. Nothing. Not one. Nothing to prove that Christmas 2013 was special. Only memories.

” I have asked one thing from the Lord— it’s all I seek: to live in the Lord’s house all the days of my life; seeing the Lord’s beauty and constantly adoring his temple.”
PSALM 27:4


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