I finally quit my job just after 6 days. It wasn’t a painful decision. I was actually glad that I’m out of it. I shouldn’t have accepted it in the first place. I knew it wasn’t for me. I just thought that maybe God was just bringing me there, yeah, for a reason. And that I think was to make me realize that I’m really not for TV. Ha! I never did get myself excited about it. In fact, I just felt so indifferent. I knew from the start that that wasn’t a good decision because I committed to so many things but then I accepted it. I didn’t even pray hard about it. I just told God that if it really was for me, I would be accepted it. And so it did it happen. Who was I to set for myself and God a condition? I think it should have been Him.
Anyway, I’m finally out. I felt so free!!! I didn’t have to go through a lot of thinking. After our first meeting I wanted to quit because I knew I just couldn’t do it. Okay, my job is so easy as a researcher. I’ve only been tasked to research using the Internet. Clicking. copying then pasting is just so easy. I mean, any grade schooler could do that. Haha! But you know what, I just couldn’t do it. Not that I don’t know how to use the search engines. It’s just that my heart’s not into it. It never was. I had to drag myself into doing those things. Add to that, our time was so unpredictable. I didn’t have a call time. I just had to wait for my teammates to message me then come to meet them. I thought that would be great since I didn’t really need to wake up early in the morning. But what I hate most about it was that they didn’t always come on time. Our meeting didn’t always start on time. The rest of us had to wait for 2 hours or so. I know they’re busy. I said to myself maybe work and life in this network is like that. And I knew that I wouldn’t like it. I didn’t like it the first time I was there. I’m the type who definitely follows a schedule. I wouldn’t want time to be wasted coz a lot more meaningful things can be done. Apparently, some people aren’t like that. Or maybe they’re just that. Maybe life there is THAT (Basta, ayoko talaga.)
I even psyched myself to finally get into the job because the “pay” was so okay. (Or so they say). But I knew that would always be wrong. To stay in a place that doesn’t make you happy but merely gives you the money. Doing that could have made me into a slave for money and work. I am for God. I always want to include God in my endeavors and to glorify Him in everything I do. I know staying there for the money would do no good to me even if it can make my ends meet.
Where do I go now? I don’t know. I still don’t know where God wants me to be. I have ideas as to where and how but I still have to pray hard about it. It’s just my prayer that He’ll provide me with a job wherein I could excel, be happy, satisfied, and be able to extend His Kingdom. I know He will. Coz I believe and I trust.
mode | ouch!
music | barenaked ladies – pinch me