I had to let it out. So I cried again. I felt I haven’t been soaking in His presence. I’ve been neglecting Him all week long. I was so caught up with something that I hardly had time for my Father. I was so enamored with what declarations could offer me.
I left for a week. Maybe more. But just one day, He called me. Not again.
But that’s just how I really am my child?
Remember my promise??
Yes Lord.
You never learn. But I still love you. Its called grace.
I’m sorry. That’s all I could say. Sorry. I don’t want to promise anything. Help me on this. I know You will.
When was the last time I REALLY sang with the angels?!? In the heavens?!?
That one day. I was in heaven. I forgot I was singing in front of many. All I had in mind was God was my only audience. Away with my inhibitions. At last!
I had to yield. I had to let it out. My heart had to shout. So tears rolled down again my cheek.