I prefer the latter.
I don’t know why I suddenly got deranged. Maybe because those were nothing.
I opened the window.
Let the sunrays enter my window on Saturdays, but still…
a smile was not seen.
Only glimpses.
Sunrays and Saturdays. I anticipated.
Eacy ray and each day, I would lay.
Wait till I got burned out.
I was patient and yet insane. Perplexed.
Got tired of writing my story, nibbling bars, and dancing salsa.
Never got to know the mystery behind the artificial.
It never worked.
My sunrays slashed. My Saturdays gone.
Yellow and Stripe. I am calmed.
Stripe came.
Its lines striking through the essence. Telling me to let go. Bringing me to the top.
So high I could fall. (I might, though. ) Anytime soon.
Stripe’s shadow is white. Soft as pillow. Clear as water.
Yellow and Stripe.
I am Yellow.
Yellow as the sunrays slashed. Flying freely.
I saw Stripe’s stripes . Thriving. Streaking. Shining brightly as the sunrays.
Only brighter.
One. Two. Three. I got hold of the stripe. Swinged.
Easy yet slow. But doom is unknown because I hope and I trust.
Sunrays and Saturdays. Yellow and Stripe.
I prefer the latter.
I don’t know why I changed. My emo’s thwarted.
I closed the window. It was broken.
I opened the window. A new one.
Let not the sunrays but Stripe to remain.
With music’s hope. I sing and dance. I just talk.
Sunrays and Saturdays. Yellow and Stripe.
I prefer the latter.