I would like to thank my MOMMY and DADDY for bringing me to this world. I did my best because I know it would make you really happy. You know how much I’ve struggled through the sixteen years I’m in school. Thanks for helping me in every step of the way.

To ENOCH, ATE, and KUYA CHAD…thanks for everything. I could have never done this without your help and support. Enoch, you’re such a computer whiz! What would I do without you??? Ate Renz and Kuya Chad, thanks a lot for all the lakwatsa and the shopping and for financing this. You two are great…really. J I pray that God would make you good parents to Nav.

To LOLA for simply being there. Thanks for all the talks, the shopping, and the sumptuous food you always prepare for us.

To ETOY, for the indescribable joy you bring to the family. I pray that you would grow up as God-fearing. Be a good kuya to Nikki, Yna, and Nav. Soon, they’ll be replacing you as the family’s baby but you’ll always be my Etoy and I, your Teyang. J

To my best friends ANTONETTE and CECILLE—ako unang gagraduate!!! Yahoo! Even if Im the youngest..hehe. Ako rin unang mag-aasawa…joke.. :p Net, thanks for bearing with me. You are the who really knows me inside and out. Remember all iyakans ha. Don’t fret, your prince will come. Ces, its been years since we’ve last seen each other but I know the friendship is still there. God bless you too in your studies. See you soon!

To CROSSLinC—this group is the best!!! Salamat sa lahat. You make my spiritual walk so much fun. I would always remember the years I’m in this ministry….add to that the kulitans, camps, retreats, jamming, and lakwatsa. It was with you that I found the true meaning of life in Christ. Even if I’m graduate na, I assure you that I’ll never leave the group. I’ll always be your Ate. J

To the rest of my ICS family—wow! The church is so much blessed with people like you. You have helped me a lot..really. I could never find another church like ICS. I grew up here and I know I’ll stay far longer as long as the Lord wills me.

To my CHRISTMASS family, salamat salamat salamat. You have made my stay in this college very enriching. I enjoyed every minute I spent with you. Thanks for walking the “Walk” with me. God bless us all.

To my blockmates: HELEN, JEM, JOVAN, ISABEL, SALLY, DIANE,GEMMA, and IRMA—well, di naman talaga tayo block no but we’re the only ones na natira…read: shiftees and delayed. Tapos na tayo.Yehey! I pray that God will bless each of you as you tread on this life that God has given us.

To Ma’am Mateo, thank you thank you and thank you. You’re so great sometimes I wish I wanna be like you.

To IANNE—of course, I’ll never forget you. You helped me graduate girl! I know I couldn’t do it by myself so I prayed for a partner. God gave me you and He gave you me. Ganun lang yon..Isa lang masasabi ko..magaling tayo kahit walang mga overnights. Hehe. Salamat sa text at sa Internet. God bless in all your endeavors in life. It is my prayer that you be the woman God wants you to be. This is it!!! Finally…the fruit of our labor. J

To STRIPE, I thank the Lord for being your friend. Remember that if this won’t work out, we’ll still be friends. I pray that God would continue to bless us as we glorify Him. I am your Yellow.

And most of all, to my Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST for redeeming me. Your grace is sufficient for me. I can never thank you enough for all the blessings and the revelations. All of my days I will sing of your greatness…all of my days I will sing of your ways. I am YOURS Jesus.

“ This is what I seek, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my Life”

Psalm 27:4

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